Visiting anywhere for the first time can be somewhat intimidating.  We want to put you at ease at First Love Baptist Church.  When you first arrive, you will be greeted by our friendly members who can show you where the Sunday classes meet or help you find a seat in the auditorium for the Family Worship Service.  We want you to receive a blessing from the helpful teaching and preaching of God’s Word, the encouraging music, and our friendly church family.  We promise not to embarrass you or put you in front of everyone.  If you wish, you can fill out a Welcome Card, and we can follow up with you later.


Some Typical Questions Before Visiting:

Will I feel welcome?

Yes, we would love for you to be our guest!  We understand that stepping into a new church for the first or second time can be a little unnerving.  Be assured that we will do all we can to make you feel at home with us.  We want your visit to be a life-enriching experience. 


What is your service like?

Here is a brief idea of how things go on a typical Sunday.  During our Family Worship Service, our congregation is led in singing songs that teach us about God and the Christian life.  We are blessed by a balanced mixture of old and more recent hymns, choruses, and spiritual songs.  Our services also incorporate a short time of quiet, personal prayer led by one of our leaders.  The primary element of our service is a carefully prepared message delivered by our pastor, or on occasion by a guest speaker.  Pastor Dan's preaching method involves teaching that is rooted in the text of the Bible.  We don't want the service to feel rushed, but we do understand that people have other obligations.  With that in mind, our service usually lasts about an hour. 


What should I wear?

At First Love Baptist Church, we are most concerned, as God is, about the condition of a person's heart.  Therefore, external appearance, though important, is not our primary interest.  When we meet together, we seek to maintain an atmosphere that helps us to focus on Jesus Christ.  As a guest, you will probably be most comfortable dressed in what is typically called “business casual."  However, don't worry too much about what you wear.  We won't.  We'll just be glad you came to be with us!


Will I be asked to do anything?

Please, don't worry!  We will not ask you to participate in any of our service functions with which you are uncomfortable.  You will not be asked to pray aloud, sing, etc.  Although a giving box is available each week for members to contribute, no one ever expects our guests to feel any obligation to make a donation.  Our only desire is that you are as comfortable as possible and free to observe first-hand the love of Christ on display in our church.


How about my kids?

We have ministries for every member of your family.  There is a nursery available that is staffed with screened, caring volunteers who take very seriously the safety and comfort of infants and toddlers.  We also have children's classes for all ages, so they can learn more about God at their specific level of understanding.  Please, bring your whole family when you visit!


Where exactly are you located?

Because our church is still fairly new, we do not have our own meeting place yet.  Another church, Coastal Shores Baptist Church, is graciously allowing us to meet together with them.  Located near the intersection of Dorchester Rd and Ashley Phosphate Rd, the church address is:

8310 Dorchester Rd, Charleston, SC 29418