Our Community

Formed on March 19, 2023 and located in the Charleston, South Carolina area, First Love Baptist Church is an independent body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ, whose collective passion is to worship our Lord in spirit and in truth, and to prepare God's people to fulfill the Great Commission.  Those who attend will be encouraged to grow in grace and go with the Gospel.


First Love Baptist Church is currently meeting at Coastal Shores Baptist Church in North Charleston (near the intersection of Dorchester Rd and Ashley Phosphate Rd). 


9:30am - Growth Groups (classes for all ages): Brite Kids, Forged Teens, & Adult Bible Studies

11:00am - Family Worship Service



7:00pm - Midweek Prayer Meeting


If you would like to receive updates about our other meeting times and weekly activities, please email:  info@firstlovebaptist.com